Saturday, January 30, 2010

hamlet inspired

What is a man,

If his chief good and market of his time

Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more:

Sure he that made us with such large discourse,

Looking before and after, gave us not

That capability and god-like reason

To fust in us unused. Now, whether it be

Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple

Of thinking too precisely on th’event –

A thought which quartered hath but one part wisdom,

And ever three parts coward – I do not know

Why yet I live to say “This thing’s to do,”

Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means,

To do’t

and so i have been trying to reform my lifestyle! basically, sleeping early (usually before midnight, often before 11pm!), making my bed the moment i wake, and gymming everyday ! wooohooo. im not sure if its the new attitude, or the gymming (all those endorphins!!) but ive been feeling quite chipper everyday despite the phlegmy cough the -10 celsius weather has cursed me with.

plans for this semester
1) VA 10 !!!! : ) :) : ) oh this makes me so happy! its basically a studio foundation for visual arts, so i'll be sketching and painting a lot !
2) French creative writing workshop -- taught by the prof who was i/c of the b/rown in paris program, who's very funny, cute, and also no nonsense ! one of the first things we are supposed to do is choose a "nom de plume" (pen name) via an anagram of our actual names. so far, the best choice i have is "Junk Pile"... hahaha ! not so inspiring / credible as mich pointed out ... so i shall try a bit harder. but its so funny!
3) French lit course from 18th century to today
4) Public Economics
5) MY THESIS CLASSSSSS. (end product: poetry chapbook!)

1) Writers' Group -- the creative writing workshop for developmentally disabled adults that I was doing last year
2) Applying to be a French TA
3) MAYBE this teaching english program to kids whose first language isn't english

personal improvement:
1) reading the economist every week
2) gymming regularly, so far every day, but depending on how work etc comes in...
3) ZEN living

so far, so good. wish me luck !


  1. bonne chance! i hope you can keep up this routine :)

  2. haahaahahahahahahajahahahahahahahhaahaahah

  3. lijun pek = julep ink! like mint juleps (and having ink in there is self-explanatory).

    i cheated and used an anagram server. there are only three variations for your name (junk pile is the first one haha)
