Sunday, November 27, 2011
anti narration
Thursday, October 27, 2011
and so the time passes
Idea #5: Story about a world where mind-reading is normal life. All thoughts are projected. People learn to 'mask' their thoughts by projecting another thought (pre-calculated) forcefully forward, thus drowning out the other thoughts. Thoughts can be symbolized as sound. Augmenting the 'volume' of one thought to drown out the other - ie in the metro where there are too many strangers.
Played 'The Dark Meadow' on the Ipad with Darkie last Sunday afternoon/night... I is such a geek/nerd, the shame ! But it was a good game - chilling, you wake up in an abandoned hospital without any memories. The room that you are in is decorated with colorful confetti 'IT'S A GIRL!' letters on the wall. You see an old man in a wheel chair right when you wake up but he runs away saying that 'SHE' was here ! Subsequently, he speaks to you on the loud speaker in the rooms where there is a sun drawn on the door - rooms with sunlight, where you are safe. In the other rooms there are strange monsters that you have to fight. In the sunlit rooms, you find gold in drawers and loose sheets of papers. Books, journals, legal documents. You try and piece things together - you read about random characters, what happens to them, their genealogy... you start to realize that most of these people are in the same family. That tragedies have befallen most of this family - the oldest character leaves his wife and daughter without money on some mysterious quest... the daughter who is a governess ends up dying in a fire with a famous architect's family, her son who survives has anger issues and has a labotomy... his son is in the hospital for awhile when he was 7 (he hates the hospital) later grows up, and has a daughter who disappears from the hospital shortly after she was born.... There are many references to the devil, on both a theoretical and folkloric level...
We start to realize that many of these characters are connected to the devil. They have made some sort of pact, and he has claimed his price.
There is a room on the first floor where there is a ghostly girl who you must kill. Apparently she is the soceress/ enchantress who is holding you, and the old man in the wheelchair captive. After killing her you faint and wake up in your room. But in the room where she was, there is a staircase leading to the second floor. The old man talking to you through the loud speaker tells you that you must kill the enchantress to be free. You proceed through the second floor the same way as the first floor, compiling more documents giving you more and more information - but nothing clearly indicating your identity. Are you the baby daughter who was lost many years ago? You find the enchantress again and you kill her again.
You wake up in your room again. The old man talking to you through the loud speaker has began to change his tone. He taunts you, as if he knows something you don't. He knows who you were, before you lost your memory. He finally reveals that you are the boy who was in the hospital for awhile when you were 7, and he, he is the devil. You made a pact with himbecause you were scared. You offered your own soul, in 17 years. When the devil came to claim your soul, being scared, because you are playing the role of a very frightened man, you give up your baby daughter's soul for 17 more years. But he has tricked you - during the 17 years, you lose all your money, your wife leaves you. The 'enchantress' you have been trying to kill is this baby girl. Apparently she has a pure, incorruptible soul - the devil can do nothing with her. He wants you to kill her, because you are her father, and have more power over her.
You go to the second floor, in the room where you have killed the girl, there is an elevator. You take upwards (we don't know which floor) and find the old man in the wheelchair, you fight him, he transforms into a monster, you slay him, he re-transforms. You try to slay him again. Finally, he tells you that he cannot be killed. But if you kill the girl, you will get 17 more years.
You have two choices:
1) you try and kill the devil again. he tells you that he cannot be killed. you faint and wake up in your room.
2) you kill the girl. you wake up tied to a bed, with crimson drawings of the devil, the 'trickster' covering the walls. you are in a mental hospital. you have been for awhile. it is here where you will spend the following 17 years that have been awarded for having killed - for the second time - your daughter.
creepy, right?? but very intriguing... we would like to make a game like that !
Sunday, September 18, 2011
guess who's back
Have decided to start a list of Whimsical Projects that I think about when I'm cutting up cardboard at work
Idea #1: Pictures of broken things found randomly in the street
(the most interesting one that i've seen was a broken onion... how is that even possible one might ask? I have no idea, it was shredded and cut up in this pile by the sidewalk.)
Idea #2: Start a boring metal accessories supplies website (like carpentry things, or hooks, small metal pieces etc.)
When people ask for images of these pieces they can choose between: impressionist, surrealist, abstract, watercolor, etc.
Initial Idea #3: Construct graphs of movies to indicate where the most exciting/engaging moments were with a timeline on the x-axis (indicating specific events in the film) and the level of interest of the Y axis
Apparently this already exists in a software that cinema people use (so informed by Darkie) - sad.
That's it for now! If anyone thinks of anything to add to the list, feel free to let me know !
I just trolled a discussion on the T & Co. commercial that you can find here:
or here:
It's filled with comments (the fb version) of how beautiful and romantic etc the commercial is...
My comment:
this commercial sort of makes me sick with how fake it is. what kind of lies are they selling? does buying ridiculously expensive jewelry for someone mean you really love the person? maybe you're just rich...? plus, new york is a lot more ...than a fountain, a carousel, a street and a tiffany's store. the commercial reduces it to a pretty setting. and let's not even talk about the massacre of the breakfast at tiffany's film...
ok, not so mature. i didn't feel like writing an epic analysis for this yet (i will have to soon for the mémoire) but oh dear, i'm such a grouch! haha
Thursday, May 26, 2011
from the one on the inside to the one on the outside
Dear you,
I hope you don’t think its weird that I’m writing. I know, it seems a bit formal, we’ve known each other for so long…
But time can be a barrier.
You understand that it can be hard for me to say certain things to you when habits have been established like rules and insidiously? I don’t know when, didn’t notice and so couldn’t object. Would I have objected anyway?
The thing is, I’ve been feeling a bit
And slow
These days
Why? Can’t quite say
Where? Well, my ankles have been feeling a little strained. And I have a blister or two on my right foot. Arthritis on bad days. Humid days. Cold days. Everyday?
What? It’s true, I’m digressing. So what I really mean to say is…
How? Floating, except that has connotations of dream and ethereal. Drifting, like a cigarette butt in the sea, dirty, rejected,
searching some sort of destiny that was never in the plans.
You see what I mean? If I believed in God, I would say he forgot me. He made you, and me, but then he forgot all about me, and it became just you.
What I want to say is a lot like “you’re selfish” but not exactly. I don’t want to start this finger-pointing, it always comes from me. But you don’t let me sing when sometimes, randomly, a melody just wants to burst out. And you know I want to, but it embarrasses you so you stand your ground, keep me silent, and wait for it to pass. It passes quickly now I’ll have you know. Happy?
I know you’re not.
No, you’re not.
Well because I’m not, you can’t be either.
Who’s the selfish one eh?
The singing, I’ll let it pass. Fine, if I thought about it rationally I would realize that it might be difficult for you if I burst out in song in the cinema. It’s not the first time you’ve stopped me from having fun though. And I know it won’t be the last.
What is it really about then?
Not the dishes that you made me wash
Nor sleeping early when I wanted to be out
That was all a long time ago anyway, I’m pretty ok with your geriatric lifestyle now
What is it really about then?
Can you guess?
it’s him.
yes, i will talk about that if i want to and i do want to.
i had never and still have never had that sort of obsessive compulsive joy since, in those 70 years since. it's time that asshole that allows retrospective regrets. i was furious then, but it didn’t last that long. it's time that tells you twenty years later paf! that wasn’t a small mistake. like missing punctuation in an essay. it's paf! you had the golden fucking fleece around your shoulders and jason, you thought it was from gap.
you see what i mean?
just because you thought he was ugly. lucky one of us can appreciate inner beauty. he was so kind, i didn’t realize how important kindness was until the years passed and there was less and less of it.
and your other argument? he was too short? he was eight fucking years old ! he would have grown. obviously. he was very helpful. can’t say the same thing about the three husbands you finally chose and then discarded, one after another. that’s a little like having a pet, and then buying a new pet straight away when the first one dies and then giving it the same name. control-freak Fido, alcoholic Fido, boring Fido. beautiful, kind, helpful danny.
it seems that even rancor is tired with the years. i’m going to finish up since it’s almost bedtime. just to tell you i resent you and that i can make better decisions than you sometimes, and you should let me choose too sometimes. and you do, sometimes. it wouldn’t be fair to say that i never get a say. but more often. you’d be happier too – you know you regret it when you don’t listen to what i say and what i want. you know you want to say and want the same things as i do, i just realize it several hours (or years) earlier. just keep that in mind, we don’t have much time left to be in disaccord; the years keep drifting by; aimless and searching.
good night and love you always,
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
There is a wall between us.
I will not compare this to famous history, of empires and dictatorships, scale, sweat, blood.
You will not see this demarcation of where I end and you start
It is perhaps nothing but a fat space
But distance can be a wall, when it is insurmountable
No one dies in trying to get across.
We throw up our arms bearing white lies
Defeated in our mutual respect:
I will watch you cry (I’d rather leave the room)
And silence steals your tongue (it cannot touch your eyes)
We know. I know, anyway. You might have felt, informally (unconfirmed)
I will never know if you know because questions form a ladder that i – we – would rather not climb.
Between us are gap bricks, heaped and towering mutually exclusive beliefs.
Except bricks can be broken and do not resist anguish like that time.
We do meet, often. The wall runs on then falters
into a common garden,
fruits planted on solidarity afternoons.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
the heart of human existence
yesterday we had an exercise in photography with a dude quite famous who has done many magazine covers etc (you can find his site here: ) - the aim of the exercise was to take 10 photos between the train station near my school and a garden not so far off. this is one of the photos that my team mate took. the photographer said it was his favorite photo, that it was poetic, but that it didn't make sense if we tried to explain it.
instinctively i disagreed (silently :p ; my discreet asian character restrains me from outbursts or prolonged arguments using a microphone and in front of the rest of the school.) but i just felt that there was so much in the photo that could be explained. firstly, simply, the ubiquitous presence of nature, in the midst of an artificial construction. emotionally, visually, the sparrow embodies an innocence, a fragility, the sole spot of color that is perched in all tranquility upon cold, harsh, dead wire, in the middle of a monochrome nowhere. isn't that the crux of our existence? in every story there is at least a conflict - always the juxtaposition of opposing elements that shouldn't co-exist, but do. and their co-existence is the spur that provokes endless suffering, whatever the scale. the sparrow could stand for any range of virtues and blessings, poetic joy - the wire the relentless, unforgiving, invasive, prosaic reality of ugly.
that's what this image whispers to me anyway (slightly sadly)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
out of the wilderness
i have been a lot less busy the past 2 weeks - started optional modules on perfume and cosmetics, which after 2 weeks of technical, commercial and economical classes on the universe of perfume culminated in creating my very own perfume ! which, to quote gaétan, is "interesting but clearly made by an amateur". it also resulted in me stinking of perfume (we had had a factory visit the same day, sniffed perfumes constructed by a synthesis of molecules, and were surrounded by 34 different fragrances during the perfume making session), and rolling around in bed feeling nauseous for hours haunted by wafts of different perfumes.
things are going to pick up possibly more than ever before (i'm pretty sure i'm behind already...) the mémoire (equivalent of a thesis in the US), 4 exams and 1 huge group project for L'oréal has to be worked on in the next... hm, 2 ? weeks. i should be stressed but i'm feeling strangely tranquil. or tranquilized. the calm before the storm, etc. i woke up at 2.30 this afternoon and napped 4 hours later...
it has been quite an awful week. but at the end of it, what i'm left with, is a sense of wonder that i can look at someone and be this moved by the beauty of his being. gentleness, harshness. curves and sharp edges. intransigence, forgiveness. the magic in banality. i seem to be making a list, but "everything", is what i really want to say. because that's what it is when you love somebody, the reasons aren't bullet pointed, there aren't any arguments. you might know why you were so inclined, but after a certain time it encompasses and then surpasses all. the feeling just surges like a wave, sometimes hard enough to knock the breath out of you overwhelmed. also, overwhelmed by the way things turned out. if i calculated the statistical probability of the events that led up to all this... it'd be a lot closer to 0 than 1. when i start thinking about it i get lost in that curious retrospective fascination. do you know what i mean? when your universe overlaps so fiercely with another's, that sometimes the edges of you and the other (almost you, or you almost he) blur, i assume it like a path trodden all my life. but thinking about how 8 months ago we were a big question mark, 10 months ago almost strangers? and even a year +++ ago, reflecting on our relationship, it seems like an alternate reality, a semblance of him or us that never reached beyond a certain stage. a blueprint unrealized, a sketch, an idea, a ghost, a shell. it's that profound change that fascinates - how one person can change everything, the air one breathes, the way one breathes. that's probably the most apt metaphor i can think of - it's almost unnoticeable, but crucial, fundamental. that discreet, grinning gap between before and after. the little things - what i buy when im at the supermarket, the brewing of tea for two, the smell of the apartment. hints and traces of a shift in existence; the metamorphosis of a world, a soul.
aaaanyway. enough mushy ruminations. tomorrow will be the unwilling revival of the spirit of diligence in hibernation. lotus-ing to the max : )
Friday, January 21, 2011
i have three things to tell you

Thank goodness we don't have to sing loudly, out of tune, with customized song lyrics in McDo this time...

Many more good times to come ! Come home! (singapore)
And of course, us being retards, and then you ling and mandy being retards. :P
the most active musk8ter :P
2) i cut my hair ! (ok that was in singapore, which makes it... almost a month ago)

3) i made a video! (ystd) -- my first upload on youtube ha ha ! the words are in french though, but the music is really nice (kikujiro - the rain) and i have michelle to thank for the song.